Thanks to their Patron, Stevie Spit BEM, Samaritans in Spain were invited to attend Benidorm Pride 2023 as their official charity. This provided them with a vital opportunity to raise awareness with the thousands of people that took to the streets for the Parade as well as attended the open-air concert at the Julio Iglesias Auditorium afterwards. With the assistance of a group of dedicated volunteers, they were able to participate in the Parade itself and raise much needed funds. They made quite a splash with their branded truck and cheeky ‘male awareness campaign’ tops!
President, Donna Williams said: “Being a part of Benidorm Pride was a lot of hard work but also very rewarding. Aside from the 510€ raised over the weekend, it was lovely to hear the applause as our Parade float went past and also to have people come up to us and say what a difference we had made to their community”.
Samaritans in Spain would like to say a special thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their valuable time to walk with them, to Katie and Tim from Ray’s Trucks who provided and drove their float and to everyone who made a donation.